Top Ten Productions presents...
A very brief musical performance by 'Dolly' serves as the introduction. 'Jack' then appears onstage and together they introduce you to some of their friends via a slide presentation or short clip from the award-winning film 'Just About Famous.'
Sharing personal experiences, they answer many of the questions people ask regarding their rather unusual profession, eventually taking questions from the audience. Things can get lively sometimes if they turn the tables and begin asking questions of the audience - often with hilarious results!
They share insights gained as actors, being in the public eye as someone already well-known. They can also incorporate specific messages your audience/participants need to hear and tailor their approach to compliment the theme of your event. A meet & greet with photo ops is included afterward, if desired.
Some topics/themes addressed in the past have included;
- Where Hollywood meets Dollywood -
Needed for this presentation; podium, sound-system with two cordless mics and a back-up, large screen and equipment to play music and show DVD/slides from a flash drive - and a technician to run it all.
Copyright 2019 All rights reserved
* Corporate and family-friendly
*Pricing begins at $3,500 + expenses
'Double Trouble;
The Life of a Celebrity Impersonator'
This exciting, entertaining, fast-paced presentation includes lessons that can be applied to individuals, organizations and life in general.
Positive and upbeat, C.J. & Jack appear together in and out of character, taking you inside the world of the celebrity impersonator while relating some of their experiences to concepts that affect us all.
Call Rose at
Top Ten Productions
or any reputable booking agent
to schedule Dolly, Jack or the presentation;
'Double Trouble;
The Life of a Celebrity Impersonator'
- Inspiration; Where do you find it?
- Overcoming adversity, challenges and negativity
and always;
- the value of believing in - and being - yourself.