Top Ten Productions presents...
Book available now through;
DAILY DOUBLES 2 - Celebrity Impersonators
by C.J. Morgan & Jack Bullard
This full-color, hard-bound, award-winning coffee-table type book offers photos, interviews and bios of more that 50 professional actors and entertainers who play an unusual role; that of impersonating someone else. Some are uncanny lookalikes and/or soundalikes. Others are masters of make-up, hair and dress and can seemingly change at will. Although each performer's story is different, interviews include questions like;
How did you get started in this business?
Do you do other characters?
How do people react when they first see you?
What do you do to get into character?
Have you ever met the celebrity you impersonate?
What is the best thing about the business?
This is not the real Snoop Dogg....
This is not the real Whoopi Goldberg...
And this is not the real Judge Judy...
This is not the real Jack Nicholson...
This is not the real Barbra Streisand...
And this is not the real Thomas Jefferson...
All of these people are professional celebrity impersonators....
And these are their
Written by C.J. Morgan and Jack Bullard, award-winning celebrity impersonators themselves, the book gives an insider's view of a fascinating and specialized sub-set of show business. 'DAILY DOUBLES 2 - Celebrity Impersonators' offers a brief glimpse into the lives of entertainers who are the ‘next best thing’ to the 'real deal.' Already popular performers, C.J. and Jack are quickly becoming favorites on the speaking circuit.